Earn Miles on Emirates Flights

前程万里 (MileagePlus®) 会员搭乘纽瓦克 (EWR) 和迪拜 (DXB) 之间的美联航航班,即可赚取里程并用于搭乘阿联酋航空转机航班。这仅适用于迪拜 (DXB) 与非洲、中东和南亚之间的部分航线。转机航班也必须与纽瓦克和迪拜之间的航班位于同一行程。

要赚取里程,请在预订机票时提供您的前程万里 (MileagePlus) 编号,并确保该编号显示在所收到的登机牌上。


如果您通过 united.com 直接购买机票,或通过致电美联航客户服务中心(包括美联航特色服务台,诸如美联航团购 (United Groups)、美联航会议 (United Meetings) 或贵宾 (Premier) 优先服务台)购买机票,或在机场通过美联航服务代表购买机票,或通过美联航售票处购买机票,那么您可以根据所购票价1,2 及您的前程万里 (MileagePlus) 身份来赚取里程。请参考下方的“机票号码以 016 开头”部分。3

否则,您应该参考“机票号码并非以 016 开头”部分。4您的里程赚取将基于飞行距离5和所购的票价舱位和/或实际搭乘的票价舱位。6


Earning miles on Emirates flights

If your ticket was purchased directly from united.com, by calling the United Customer Contact Center (including a United specialty desk, such as United Groups, United Meetings or the Premier Priority Desk), from a United representative at the airport, or through a United ticket office, you'll earn miles based on the fare 1,2 and your MileagePlus status. Please reference the "Ticket number starts with 016" section below.3

Otherwise, you should reference the "Ticket number does not start with 016" section.4 You'll earn miles based on flight distance5 and the purchased fare class and/or fare class flown.6

If you don't know how your ticket was purchased, in most cases your ticket number can be found on your confirmation email or receipt.