Earn United Miles on Austrian Airlines

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines is the national carrier for Austria. It has a hub in Vienna and a global route network. Austrian’s main markets include Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit the Austrian Airlines website.

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Earn United miles on Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines is the national carrier for Austria. It has a hub in Vienna and a global route network. Austrian’s main markets include Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit the Austrian Airlines website.

How to earn miles

MileagePlus® members can earn award miles and Premier® qualifying credits (PQP and PQF) on eligible Austrian Airlines flights. Add your MileagePlus number to your reservation, and make sure it’s on your boarding pass at check-in.

If you bought your ticket directly from United1, you will earn miles based on the fare price2,3 and your MileagePlus status:

How to earn miles

MileagePlus® members can earn award miles and Premier® qualifying credits (PQP and PQF) on eligible Austrian Airlines flights. Add your MileagePlus number to your reservation, and make sure it’s on your boarding pass at check-in.

If you bought your ticket directly from United1, you will earn miles based on the fare price2,3 and your MileagePlus status:

If you bought your ticket from another airline, a third-party website or a travel agency5, you will earn miles based on flight distance6 and the fare class of your ticket3:

Type of ticketFare class7Award miles earned (including bonus)
BusinessC, D, J200%
Discount BusinessZ150%
Deep Discount BusinessP100%
Premium EconomyG, E150%
Discount Premium EconomyN100%
Full-fare EconomyY, B150%
EconomyM, U, H100%
Discount EconomyQ, V, W75%
Deep Discount EconomyS, T, L50%
Deep Discount EconomyK25%
No mileage creditA, F, I, O, R, XNo miles earned
Type of ticketFare class7Award miles earned (including bonus)
BusinessC, D, J200%
Discount BusinessZ150%
Deep Discount BusinessP100%
Premium EconomyG, E150%
Discount Premium EconomyN100%
Full-fare EconomyY, B150%
EconomyM, U, H100%
Discount EconomyQ, V, W75%
Deep discount EconomyS, T, L50%
Deep discount EconomyK25%
No mileage creditA, F, I, O, R, XNo miles earned


您可以使用里程在线预订或致电我们的预订热线预订奥地利航空公司的定期奖励航班。根据机票类型、旅行日期和您的前程万里 (MileagePlus) 身份,您可能需要支付服务费。您还可以使用里程通过星空联盟 (Star Alliance) 升舱奖励PlusPoints 进行升舱。无法在机场签发奖励机票。

搭乘奥地利航空公司航班,尊享贵宾 (Premier) 礼遇

Traveler pro tips

We have a few tips for traveling with Austrian Airlines:

  • Austrian Airlines may have different bag rules. Make sure to check their policy before you get to the airport.
  • If you have a first class ticket, you can access the United Club locations at your departure airport.
  • Your passport and visa will be checked at your first point of entry after leaving the U.S. Make sure you have all your travel documents ready and signed.

Traveler pro tips

We have a few tips for traveling with Austrian Airlines:

  • Austrian Airlines may have different bag rules. Make sure to check their policy before you get to the airport.
  • If you have a first class ticket, you can access the United Club locations at your departure airport.
  • Your passport and visa will be checked at your first point of entry after leaving the U.S. Make sure you have all your travel documents ready and signed.