Notice of rights for Canada travel

United works hard to get you to your destination safely, on time, as scheduled. There may be times when weather, air traffic control, operational or service considerations lead to flight delays, cancellations or diversions. This Notice contains important information about your rights established under Canada’s Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), as amended, for travel from and to Canada operated by United Airlines and its United Express (UAX) partners (United).

“If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, or your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation under the Air Passenger Protection Regulations. For more information about your passenger rights please contact your air carrier or visit the Canadian Transportation Agency’s website.

Si l’embarquement vous est refusé, ou si votre vol est annulé ou retardé d’au moins deux heures ou si vos bagages sont perdus ou endommagés, vous pourriez avoir droit au titre du Règlement sur la protection des passagers aériens, à certains avantages au titre des normes de traitement applicables et à une indemnité. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur vos droits, veuillez communiquer avec votre transporteur aérien ou visiter le site Web de l’Office des transports du Canada.”

If United’s tariff dealing with the same subjects provides for more advantageous conditions, they shall apply.

You are not entitled to these rights if you are denied boarding on the grounds of health or invalid travel documentation.

Long tarmac delay

United has established procedures to manage a long tarmac delayed flight (LTD). Per the APPR, an LTD is a flight delayed on the tarmac with the doors of the aircraft closed for departure or after the flight has landed.

  1. Standard of treatment – For LTD flights, United will provide affected passengers with the following free of charge: access to working lavatories; ability to communicate with people outside the plane if feasible; adequate food and drink; medical assistance as soon as possible; and proper ventilation/cooling/heating of the aircraft
    1. These standards may be suspended if the pilot-in-command of the aircraft determines that safety or security considerations preclude providing such service.
  2. Disembarkation – For LTD flights on Canadian soil that have been delayed for three (3) hours on the tarmac, United will provide passengers with an opportunity to disembark unless:
    1. The pilot in command reasonably believes that takeoff will occur no later than three (3) hrs. and forty-five (45) mins. after the start of the LTD event; or
    2. Reasons related to safety, security, customs, and air traffic control would prohibit disembarkation.

If feasible, priority disembarkation will be given to persons with disabilities, their support person, service, or emotional support animal.

Lost, delayed, or damaged baggage

If your checked baggage is delayed or damaged and you're still at the airport, please go to the Baggage Service Office to inform United. Alternatively, you may call our Baggage Service Center at 1-800-335-BAGS (1-800-335-2247) from the U.S. and Canada or 1-281-821-3526 from outside the U.S. and Canada. In cases of lost or damaged checked bags, United will reimburse you for the amount you paid to check the bag.

To qualify for compensation, report damaged bags within 24 hours of domestic travel and 7 days of international travel. If you do not file a claim within the required time period, you will not qualify for compensation. If your flight was not operated by United/UAX, please contact the airline that operated your flight. Reimbursement for expenses will be based upon acceptable proof of claim.

After you report your bag as delayed, we will begin an immediate search for your bag. If we're unable to find your bag after three days, we deem your bag lost and will compensate you. For international travel to and from Canada the Montreal Convention applies. Liability for lost, delayed, or damaged baggage is limited to 1,288 SDR per passenger for baggage, whether checked or unchecked. Exchange rates are available at

Denied boarding

Before we deny boarding to any customer, we will request volunteers to surrender their seats in exchange for the agreed upon compensation or benefits. If you voluntarily surrender your seat, you will be entitled to receive care as described in section C of this Notice and rerouting or refund as detailed in the section B of this Notice.

In the event that there are insufficient volunteers, United will not remove someone already onboard the aircraft. United will also not deny boarding to an unaccompanied minor, passengers who are qualified individuals with disabilities and their service animal or travel assistant, family members traveling together, someone previously denied boarding, or someone who is already on board the aircraft.

Customers who are involuntarily denied boarding are entitled to rerouting or refund defined under section B and care defined under section C, both below. However, if the customer is denied boarding for situations outside United’s control, no refund is available, but the rerouting provided for in sub-section B (1) will apply.

In addition, customers who are involuntarily denied boarding for reasons within United/UAX control which are not required for safety reasons are entitled to compensation based on the length of the delay in arriving at the final destination stated in their original ticket:

  • Delays of 0-6 hours: CAD $900
  • Delays of 6-9 hours: CAD $1800
  • Delays of 9+ hours: CAD $2400

Compensation due under this section will be paid by EFT (electronic funds transfer), bank check or, with your written agreement, in a travel voucher. Compensation will be issued before your new departure time but no later than forty-eight (48) hours of the denied boarding incident

Flight delays and cancellations

  1. Compensation

    If, due to a situation within United’s control, your flight was delayed three (3) hours or more, or cancelled, you will be entitled to receive compensation, unless:

    1. You do not have a confirmed reservation or are travelling on a fare that isn’t available, directly or indirectly, to the public;
    2. You are informed of the delay or cancellation at least 15 days before the scheduled time of departure;
    3. Your flight was delayed or cancelled due to a situation outside of United’s control or required for safety purposes;
    4. You have already been paid denied boarding compensation;
    5. You have already been paid under another passenger rights regime for the same event;
    6. You failed to submit your claim within one year of the flight delay or cancellation.

    You’re not eligible to receive APPR compensation if you already accepted compensation for the same event under a different passenger rights regulation.

    Compensation for delays and cancellations is calculated based on your arrival time at the final destination as follows:

    • Delays of 3-6 hours: CAD $400.
    • Delays of 6-9 hours: CAD $700.
    • Delays of 9+ hours: CAD $1000.

    We will send you the noted compensation within thirty (30) days of receipt of your compensation claim or will advise why your flight was not compensable. Compensation will be paid by EFT, bank check or, with your written agreement, in a travel voucher.

  2. Rerouting

    Situations outside United’s control

    1. If your flight is canceled or your flight is delayed by three (3) hours or more for reasons outside of United’s control, United will:
      1. Rebook you on the next available United flight or flight on one of our partner airlines departing within 48 hours of your original departure time. If that is not possible, United will, at your choice: (1) provide a refund, or (2) rebook you on the next available flight that is operated by any carrier to your destination. You will be free to change your decision and choose a refund at any time before being provided a confirmed reservation on an alternate flight.
      2. If your revised booking is from a new airport, United will pay for transportation to the new airport.

    Situations within United’s control or required for safety

    1. If your flight is canceled or your flight is delayed by three (3) hours or more for reasons within United’s control or required for safety, United will, in addition to the compensation stated above in Section A:
      1. Rebook you on the next available United flight or one of our partner airlines departing within nine (9) hours of your original departure time. If that is not possible, United will rebook you on any carrier that departs within 48 hours of your original departure time.
      2. If your revised booking is from a new airport, United will pay for transportation to the new airport.


    1. If you refuse the rebooking options United offers, we can refund the unused portion of your ticket. Additionally, if your travel no longer serves a purpose as a result of the delay or cancellation, we can return you to your point of origin and refund the entire ticket.

      United will also refund (i) the difference if the alternate travel arrangement is booked in a lower class of service and (ii) the cost of additional services (such as preferred seat selection or additional checked baggage) that the passenger did not receive in their alternate flight or had to pay for those services a second time. If the alternate travel arrangements are in a higher class of service, United will not request compensation for the difference. All refunds will be made to the person who originally purchased the ticket, within thirty (30) days, using that person’s original payment method (for example, a return on the person’s credit card). United can provide a refund in other forms (for example, voucher or credit) if (i) it does not expire; (ii) United informs the person in writing of the value of the refund and their right to receive a refund by the original payment method and (iii) the person confirms in writing that they have been conformed of such right and instead have chosen the other form of refund.

      1. Refund requests can be submitted online using this form
      2. If you are unable to submit your request using our refund form, or if you need to send additional documentation and can’t do so electronically, you can contact United Refunds using one of the methods below.

        FAX 1-872-825-9364

        POST MAIL
        United Airlines
        United Refunds
        P.O. Box 4607, Dept. NHCRF
        Houston, TX 77253-3056
        Include your United ticket number, your flight information and your contact information, and note the nature of your request.

  3. Care
    1. If, due to a situation within United’s control or required for safety purposes, (i) you have been informed of the delay or cancellation less than 12 hours before the departure time indicated on your ticket, and (ii) you have waited two hours after the departure time indicated on your ticket, we’ll provide you with the following:
      • Meals and refreshments in reasonable quantities, considering the length of the wait, the time of day and location;
      • Access to a means of communication; and
      • Hotel or other comparable accommodations for overnight delays for out-of-town passengers, subject to availability within reasonable distance from the airport, along with transportation to the hotel or other accommodation and back to the airport.
    2. We may limit or decline your right to care if provisions of care would itself cause further delay.

Seating of Children Under 15

United strives to seat children under age fifteen (15) with an accompanying adult family member. Customers can select seats through, the United app or your travel agent. If seats aren’t selected in advance, United makes our best effort to find seats in close proximity for families and groups on the same reservation in the cabin they were booked a few days before their flight departs. However, available seats may be limited at that time and your family or group may be split. While we strive to seat your family together, seat selections are not guaranteed and may be changed, including in the event of an aircraft substitution. United works with customers on the day of departure to seat children under 15 in close proximity with their accompanying parent, guardian or tutor. If a child in your group was booked on a separate reservation and you would like to sit together, please call the United Customer Contact Center (1-800-864-8331) and we’ll do our best to find adjoining seats.

Canada Transportation Agency Contacts

If United is unable to solve your problem to your satisfaction, you may contact the Canada Transportation Agency at the following:

Air Travel Complaint Form:
Mailing Address: Canadian Transportation Agency Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N9
Telephone: 1-888-222-2592