Embraer ERJ-145XR

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Seat map

Seat map

Features of the aircraft

Features of the aircraft

What you’ll find aboard the Embraer ERJ-145XR.

Aircraft interior specifications

Specifications are listed by cabin and may vary from standard.

SpecificationsUnited Economy Plus®United Economy®
Number of seats644
Seat numbers1A, 3CD, 18ACD2A, 3A, 4A-11D, 19A-24D
Exit rows/doorsRow 18Front of cabin
Seat configuration1-21-2

Standard seat pitch

(the measure of legroom space between a point on one seat and the same point on the seat in front of it)

38" (96 cm) exit row31" (78 cm)

Standard seat recline

(the distance between a seat back in its full upright and full recline position)

3" (7 cm)3" (7 cm)

Limited/Zero seat recline

N/AZero at Row 11

Seat width

(the distance between the inner sides of the armrests on a seat)

17" - 20" (43 cm - 52 cm)17" - 20" (43 cm - 52 cm)
Bulk head seats1A, 3CDNo
Movable aisle armrests18AC2A, 3A, 4ACD-11ACD, 14ACD-19ACD
Fixed bassinetsNoNo
Over wing rows1810-21
Power outletsNoNo
USB portsNoNo