If your checked bags are delayed, lost, damaged or missing items, we want to make things right. Learn how to report bag issues and request reimbursement. You can also track your bags in real time with our bag tracker tool or in the United app.
Types of bag issues
Delayed bags
Checked bags are considered delayed if they don’t arrive by the time you reach your final destination.
1Report issue
You can report a delayed bag by doing one of the following:
Report it by calling the Baggage Recovery Center at 1-800-335-2247 (International 1-281-821-3526)
After you report the issue, you'll receive a file reference number that ends in M (for example: ORD12345M). You can schedule a pickup or set up free bag delivery.
In some cases where a bag is delayed over 12 hours, we give an automatic bag fee refund. We’ll automatically refund bag fees if:
A bag is delayed over 12 hours on a domestic flight
A bag is delayed over 15 hours on an international flight less than 12 hours
A bag is delayed over 30 hours on an international flight longer than 12 hours
Report delayed bags within 24 hours of arrival if you traveled in the U.S., Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Report delayed bags within 21 days of arrival if you traveled internationally.
2Request reimbursement
After you report your delayed bag and get a file reference number, you can request reimbursement for the cost of clothes and toiletries while your bag was delayed.
Reimbursement claim timeline
Submit your claim within 45 days of arrival if you traveled in the U.S., Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Submit your claim within 21 days of arrival if you traveled internationally.
Bag tracker
Enter your confirmation number and last name to track your bags.
Please enter a valid confirmation number
Please enter a valid last name
Tracking details are not available at this time. Please try again later.
Bag help FAQ
Once you report your delayed bags and they arrive at the destination airport, we'll prepare them for delivery or hold them for pickup. Deliveries can take up to 8 hours for U.S. locations or longer for international locations. The daily cutoff time for residential deliveries is 11 p.m. We’ll hold the bags for pickup for 5 days. Track bags in our app or on our website for the most up to date information.
No, you should not file a delayed bag report at your connection. Bags are considered delayed only if they don’t arrive by the time you arrive at your final destination.
Contact the last airline on your itinerary to report your delayed or lost bag.
After submitting a claim for lost bags, we’ll complete a thorough search for about 21 days. If we find your lost bags, we’ll contact you to set up a bag return. If we don’t find your bag, we’ll email you to discuss next steps.
You'll be reimbursed in the local currency of the address on your claim. For example, if you live in the U.S. and submit a claim with receipts for expenses in Brazil, you'll be reimbursed in USD.
Yes, we’ll cover any reasonable and necessary purchases of clothing and toiletries if your bag is delayed and you’re away from home. Reimbursement is based on several factors, including the length of time you were without your luggage.
To file a reimbursement claim, you must provide dated receipts that show purchased items and costs.
Reimbursement for expenses will be based upon acceptable proof of claim. Contact the Baggage Recovery Center for more information.
For travel within or between the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, United's liability for loss of, damage to, or delay in delivery of a passenger's checked baggage is limited to $4,700 per ticketed passenger with a checked bag. In accordance with 14 CFR Part 382, the above limit of liability does not apply for loss, damage or delay of wheelchairs or other assistive devices. United assumes no liability for high-value, fragile, or perishable items carried in connection with domestic travel. For a complete list of excluded items, see the terms in our Contract of Carriage.
For international travel to which the Montreal Convention applies, liability for loss, delay, or damage is limited to 1,288 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) per passenger for checked and unchecked baggage. Exchange rates are available at www.IMF.org.
For international travel to which the Warsaw Convention applies, liability for loss, delay, or damage to baggage is limited to $20 per kilogram (approximately $9.07 per pound) up to $640 for checked baggage, and $400 per passenger for unchecked baggage.