File a claim or complaint in France
United contact information
If you have suggestions, concerns, compliments or complaints, visit We will acknowledge receipt within 24 hours and provide a substantive response within 60 days.
To request a refund, go to
Phone number (Reservations): 01 71 23 03 35 (toll-free within France)
Email address:
15 avenue de l’Opera, 75001 Paris, France
Recourse to an ombudsman
If, after contacting our customer service department, the Customer does not receive a satisfactory response within 60 Days, the Customer may seek free recourse to a consumer ombudsman for the amicable resolution of the dispute with United. To initiate this process, the Customer may contact the ombudsman at:
Address: Médiation Tourisme et Voyage (MTV)
Voyage – 15 avenue Carnot, 75017
Paris, France
Contact Form:
The Customer may also submit any complaints to the European Online Dispute Resolution platform established by the European Commission at the following address: The European Commission will transfer the Customer's complaint to the competent national ombudsman.
Telephone block list
You have the right to block the use of your phone number for marketing purposes. You can register for the block list here.
Contract of Carriage
Please refer to United's Contract of Carriage for the general terms and conditions applying to your transportation.