United contact information, CNPJ, SAC & rules of Civil Aviation Authority in Brazil
United contact information
0800 16 23 232 toll-free within Brazil or (11) 3145 4200 within São Paulo.
To request a refund, go to united.com/refunds
Customer Service
If you have suggestions, concerns, compliments or complaints, go to united.com/feedback
Customer Service (SAC)*: 0800 942 33 72 (Portuguese Language only)
SAC for the hearing impaired*: 0800 942 33 71 (Portuguese Language only)
SAC hearing and speech impaired chat option* (Portuguese Language only)
United Airlines, Inc.
Avenida Paulista, 777, 9º Andar
São Paulo, Brasil
Brazil corporate identification number (CNPJ): 01.526.415/0001-66
*This number is for the exclusive use of United passengers with active reservations.
Rules of Civil Aviation in Brazil
Rights and Duties: www.anac.gov.br/passageirodigital
Brazil Consumer Defense Code: www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/l8078.htm
Important: It is mandatory to declare to Brazilian Customs resources in national or foreign currency, in an amount exceeding US$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand dollars) or its equivalent in other currencies upon arrival or departure of Brazil.
Customers with special needs departing from or arriving at an airport in Brazil
United offers special additional assistance to customers who are disabled, 60 years old or older, pregnant, lactating, traveling with an infant, traveling with a trained service dog, or who have reduced mobility or a specific condition that limits their autonomy as passengers when traveling on any flight departing from or arriving at an airport in Brazil. If any additional assistance is needed after purchasing a ticket, please call the United Customer Contact Center in Brazil and provide your confirmation number. Special assistance requests must be made at least 72 hours prior to your flight departure if you are traveling with a companion or at least 48 hours prior to departure if you do not require a companion. Some customers must also complete a Medical Information Form (MEDIF) at least 72 hours prior to flight departure. For more details, visit the Customers with Special Needs Departing from or Arriving at an Airport in Brazil page.
Minors departing from an airport in Brazil
Brazilian minors younger than 18 years of age traveling from Brazil are required to provide additional documentation to leave the country. Please visit the National Council of Justice website for more information.