Flying Standby
Flying standby
Join the United standby list and you could get an earlier flight at no cost.

What it is
A standby list allows you to change to a different flight if a seat becomes available. It’s an option if you’re hoping for an earlier flight or if your flight has been canceled or delayed. Flying standby with us is free and easy, but there’s no guarantee that you will get a seat while on a standby list.

How it works
You can join the standby list no more than 24 hours before your original flight. The new flight must be on the same day and have the same start and end point as your original flight. If a seat is available, we’ll assign one to you automatically. Seats are assigned 30 minutes before a domestic flight and 60 minutes before an international flight.
Add yourself to the standby list
Add yourself to the standby list
At an airport kiosk
Go to your itinerary and select “View flight options”.
With a United agent
Go to the United check-in counter at the airport and ask an agent to put you on the list.
Look for your name on screen
Look for your name on screen
Once you’ve been added to the list, look for the first three letters of your last name and your first initial on the screens near your gate. For example:
“Mary Clark” will be shown as “CLA, M.”
“John Smith” will be shown as “SMI, J.”
“Deshawn Brown” will be shown as “BRO, D.”
Standby list priority
The waitlist will be updated frequently as customers are always being added. The order of the standby list is prioritized by Premier status.
Standby list priority
The waitlist will be updated frequently as customers are always being added. The order of the standby list is prioritized by Premier status.