Missed, delayed and canceled flights
If your flight is canceled, delayed by more than an hour, or you missed a connection we’re actively looking for ways to get you back on track. But your options aren’t limited to what we find for you, so here’s how to choose a flight that works best for you:
Your delay and cancellation options
Use our app or website to get you back on track
See flight options
View the flight we booked for you or see other options that might be a better fit.
Find your bags
Once you rebook yourself, you can talk to a customer service agent at the airport to have your bags follow you on your new flight.
Check amenities
See if you’re eligible for any amenities, like hotel and meal vouchers.
On your device
- Use delay and cancellation options to change your flight, see bag info and more
- Use Agent on Demand if you’re within 24 hours of your flight
- Call one of our contact centers for help
At the airport
- Use a kiosk in the check in area or inside the terminal by the customer service centers
- Talk to a gate agent or customer service agent for further help