Group Travel Request Form | United Airlines
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Group travel

Enjoy special pricing and priority benefits when you're traveling together.

Request a United Groups quote

If you have ten or more people traveling on the common flight to a common destination, take advantage of a guaranteed fare when traveling on United Airlines.

Along with saving money by traveling on United Airlines, your group will enjoy these United Groups features:

  • A group coordinator to assist the group at the airport (Group coordinators are not available at all airport locations)
  • Priority check-in
  • A guaranteed fare for the group

Once you finish this form, we'll send you an email response within two business days with details on your quoted price and how to confirm your reservation. All quotes are subject to availability at the time of booking.

You may also contact United Groups at 1-800-426-1122 M-F to obtain a quote.

Already have a group quote reservation?

Add traveler details to existing group reservation.

Who's eligible for an online group travel quote?

Group with 10 or more

Those with billing addresses in the U.S. or Canada

Sports team of 6 or more

Let's get started

Is your billing address in the U.S. or Canada?

Need help with a group quote?

You can reach out to us using one of these methods.

If you're in the U.S. or Canada,
contact United Groups at

If you're outside of the U.S. or Canada,
contact your local 
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Contact Center