United flights to Sendai

United's most popular flights to Sendai (SDJ)

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Business class deals on flights to Sendai (SDJ)

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Things to do after your flight to Sendai (SDJ)

Fly to Sendai, Japan, with United from over 200 airports within the U.S. and an additional 100 airports internationally.

Sendai's top attractions

  • Visit a national treasure at Ōsaki Hachimangū, a Shinto shrine.
  • Explore the Sendai Castle Ruins, which date back to 1602, for panoramic city views.
  • Learn about Japanese culture and history at the Sendai City Museum.
  • Day trip to the countryside to hike to the Yamadera mountain temple or visit a nearby hot spring town.

Best times to travel to Sendai

Visit Sendai in summer to take part in the Sendai Tanabata Festival, one of the most famous events in Japan. The festival takes over the city and the streets are decorated in vibrant colors and designs. In winter, the city hosts the Dontosai Festival at the Osaki Hachiman Shrine and the Pageant of Starlight.

Find more flights to Sendai (SDJ) with United

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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