United flights to Buffalo

United's most popular flights to Buffalo (BUF)

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Business class deals on flights to Buffalo (BUF)

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Things to do after your flight to Buffalo (BUF)

Fly to Buffalo with United Airlines from over 200 airports within the United States and an additional 100 airports internationally.

Buffalo’s top attractions

  • Tour the Darwin D. Martin House Complex, designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
  • Wander the historic Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park, which recognize city’s military history and makes for fine walks out of the city center.
  • Visit the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, where the former President stayed, now full of exhibitions.
  • Take a day trip to nearby Niagara Falls.

Best time to travel to Buffalo

Winters in Buffalo are long and cold. During the summer months, the city comes alive with festivals and activities. Buffalo hosts the National Buffalo Wing Festival every Labor Day weekend and the National Garden Festival lasts from June to August. Stroll the festivities of First Friday in Allentown, which happens year-round.

Find more flights to Buffalo (BUF) with United

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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