United flights to State College

United's most popular flights to State College (SCE)

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Things to do after your flight to State College (SCE)

Fly to State College with United Airlines from over 200 airports within the United States and an additional 100 airports internationally.

State College’s top attractions

  • Stroll the large campus of the Pennsylvania State University, known as Penn State, one of the largest universities in the U.S.
  • Scale the nearby Mount Nittany to get a full view of State College, including the university campus and the wider Happy Valley region.
  • Attend a football game at Beaver Stadium, one of the largest stadiums in the U.S. During the off-season, take a tour instead.
  • Take in some culture at the Palmer Museum of Art.

Best time to travel to State College

The best time to visit State College is any Saturday in the fall months when the Nittany Lions football team hosts a game. Travel to State College during the autumn and spring to see the town alive with college students. Summer is also a pleasant time to visit — the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts brings various music acts and artists into the area.

Find more flights to State College (SCE) with United

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. For Economy class, fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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