Create MileagePlus account | United Airlines
  1. Step 1About me
  2. Step 2 unavailableAddress
  3. Step 3 unavailableSecurity

Create account

Start your MileagePlus® adventure today. Our loyalty program is free to join and the miles you earn will never expire. We reward you for travel and regular activities, so you can earn miles every day of the year.

Already a member?

Earn & redeem miles
Miles never expire
Easily save & manage trips
Quicker check-in

Tell us about yourself

To start, we need to know more about you. We'll use this information to confirm your identity at the end of the sign-up process.

All fields are required unless indicated otherwise.

1. Contact information

Selecting 'Send me updates on my flights when I travel' indicates that you consent to receiving automated text and/or email messages concerning flight status updates or notifications. Message and data rates may apply.

2. Personal information

Your name, date of birth and gender must match the government-issued ID you use to travel.

Date of birth